Sunday, October 4, 2009

Recess in the Pumpkin Patch

Looking for a little recess?

It doesn't get better than recess in the local pumpkin patch. You can relax and enjoy the beauty and bounty of the harvest and you can be a kid all over again.

Wander around the acres of pumpkins and search for your special gem - a real treasure hunt. Are you looking for round and stout or tall and narrow pumpkin. Are you looking for the biggest - or smallest - pumpkin in the parch?

This is a wonderful time to stroll; meditate, dream or remember. Go alone, or with your significant other. Take your kids - or a friend's kids (they will love you for it). And be a thoughtful neighbor, drop off a pumpkin for someone who is too ill or feeble to get one for themselves. The sight of a big beautiful orange pumpkin on the porch is sure to cheer anyone up.

Recessology is all about being free and having fun. An old fashion pumpkin patch may be the R&R you need to get unstressed and become energized about the season ahead.

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