Friday, August 21, 2009

A Ph.D. in Global Recess

Recessology is the study of recess
- perhaps the most underrated class in life.
Adventure Woman University takes recess very seriously and so should you. What does all of that algebra and chemistry matter if you can't have fun in your life? Going out and learning to play around the globe has got to be worth a doctorate degree. Don't you agree?
We think so. At Adventure Woman University we believe learning to be self-sufficient, creative, independent and adventurous is very important (if not crucial) to your well-being. There are hundreds of fundamental life lessons learned on the playground. It's time to live larger and take your recess time beyond your own backyard or neighborhood.
Adventure Woman University's study of recessology terminates with a PhD. in Global Recess (fabulously fictitious). Attendance is optional, a final thesis is not required, and you progress at your own rate. Best of all, your tuition is free. Adventure Woman University is offering you a full-scholarship. "PhD. in Global Recess" tee-shirts are wonderfully fun and are coming soon.
Your recessology class meets (at this Blog) once a week starting Saturday, September 5, 2009. We hope to see you at Basecamp.